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Sunday, April 18, 2010

'The End'

It has been almost four months since I wrote my very first blog post in my life... four very intensive months. Just a little recap of the expectations I held when I came into this module; I found myself enamoured with the concept of communication as a scientific process and hence looked forward to learn about the ‘communication model’. I was curious to know more about the holistic nature of communication as one that included the message, the non-verbal cues and the medium. Finally I expected to gather more understanding on the technical aspects of job-applications and formal writing.
Well, first and foremost I do not take 2 hours to write a blog post anymore unlike the initial blog posts. I have learnt to organise my thoughts much more clearly and am thus able to communicate them more effectively as well. The application letter, resume, the letter of transmittal, the proposal itself, minutes of meetings as well formal e-mails were all different methods we learnt to express ourselves in. What I found particularly useful and eye-opening was the significance of minute details. Like Alex pointed out, Ms Lim’s eye for detail honestly shocked me at first. I have always had the notion that the content is the most important part of any medium. But I have learnt how little nuances can affect the impression someone (eg. a potential employer) holds of you. The formatting, font size, print quality, paper quality, time of sending the document and several other details were things would have never considered before this module.
Besides that, during the proposal writing period I think my time management skills were greatly tested and of course eventually improved. The time crunch towards the end of the project was an incident that taught me how to divide work efficiently and to prioritise my work as well. The peer teaching and oral presentation exercise at the end developed my confidence in public speaking and I learnt several important techniques for an effective presentation both from Ms Lim and our classmates. What struck me were again the small changes in the slides and your non-verbal cues that could effectively make or break your presentation. I guess it would be safe to say that I have been more of a big picture kind of person, thus these tips were all the more astonishing.
Lastly but most importantly I feel that the area of the module which covered the factors such as non-verbal cues was the most appealing to me. The importance of the intangibles in a communication is something we cannot do without. While the message itself might be composed in a favourable way, the rest of your intangible factors could easily cause a misinterpretation of your entire message!
Something about this course that is different from others: it was full of revelations about the world of communication and kept up the line of surprises for the entire four months (some of the surprises include deadlines :P). The hands-on method of this course was very applicable to its content and was very effective putting the message across. It managed deeply ingrained these communication skills in my personality, thus making this content relevant to my daily life.


  1. Hi Jigna,

    I'm sure we have learned a lot from this module. There were lots of new things that we did not know before. I particularly find the non-verbal cues section interesting. I mean I have not notice this area in the past. I guess we have missed out a lot if we did not have taken this module.

    We have really brought home a lot of things. More importantly, we have made many new friends. I must say that the interactive activities we had were great fun!

    Nice knowing you and working with you this past 12 weeks. Good luck for your examinations! See you around in school =).

  2. hey,
    yup it was fun to take an interactive module for once, really different from our normal science modules :) was great knowing all of u, and hopefully the bbq thing works out..good luck for your exams!

  3. Hey Jigna,

    It has definitely been an interesting 4 months haha.

    I have to agree with you on the point you made about being more fluent in blogging. I didn't realise myself until I read your post. I guess it has become a subconscious thing - to be able to blog without having huge pauses in between to organize thoughts like you said.

    And like you, I think the part about non-verbal cues is definitely smthg that has impacted me alot over these past few months. I can remember the number of times Ms. Lim has pointed out such details to me - I think this has helped me to improve my delivery in many ways.

    Good luck with studying!
